Hearing Aids In Pune

FAQ regarding hearing aids and clinic

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A hearing aid is a tiny electronic gadget worn in the ear canal or behind the ear. It enhances sound to improve hearing for those who have hearing loss. A microphone, amplifier, and speaker are the three parts of hearing aids. Sound enters the microphone, is transformed to electrical impulses, and is then transmitted to the amplifier. Signals are amplified by the amplifier and then sent through the speaker to the ear. Even ten years ago, the hearing aids our parents and grandparents wore were significantly larger and less effective than those worn today.

You may feel scared when cleaning your hearing aids since these pricey, teeny-tiny electronics are crucial despite being small. Hearing aids come in so many various designs that not each of the hearing aids require the same cleaning and maintenance. 

The most common reasons for conductive hearing loss include an obstruction in the ear canal, such as swelling brought on by an ear infection or a benign tumor. Your hearing may return to normal once the cause has been removed if your hearing healthcare specialist believes that your hearing loss is conductive. You may benefit from using a hearing aid if your hearing does not get better on its own.

Damage to the sensory hair cells of the inner ear results in sensorineural hearing loss. Loud noise exposure, disease, medication, trauma, or old age are all potential causes of this harm. If a hearing specialist concludes that you have sensorineural hearing loss, you may benefit from having a hearing aid.

You are not alone if you have hearing loss. 36 million adult Americans or around 17% of the population, report having some degree of hearing loss (source). Hearing loss is a frequent condition in older adults, affecting approximately half of Americans aged 75 and older and about one-third of Americans between the ages of 65 and 74 (source). There are various degrees of hearing loss and by consulting with an audiologist, you can choose a treatment option that meets your requirements.

A hearing aid that is most suited for an active person who enjoys traveling and participating in sports may differ from one that is best suited for someone who prefers to stay at home and watch television. A range of questions will be asked by your hearing healthcare professional to help you decide what kind of amplification you require. They will also work with you to ensure that your hearing device is functioning properly so that you can hear the sounds that are most important to you.

Recall that friend who claimed to keep their hearing aids in a dresser drawer. That may be the result of them not being completely truthful about their expectations and way of life with their hearing healthcare provider and lifestyle, or failing to arrange follow-up appointments as required.

The inability to hear particular tones clearly is the initial symptom of hearing loss. For instance, if there are several conflicting voices, you can find it challenging to understand what the person sitting next to you is saying. Other signs of hearing loss include ear pain, itchiness, or fluid coming out of the ear.

It’s possible to inherit some types of hearing loss. However, some hereditary types of hearing loss might develop later in life and not all of them manifest at birth. For instance, otosclerosis, which is suspected to be a hereditary illness, affects hearing later in life because irregular bone growth inhibits certain ear components from functioning normally. Otosclerosis typically manifests as hearing loss between the ages of 10 and 30.

Depending on your hearing loss degree and how long you put off seeking treatment, you may need some time to become used to wearing hearing aids. Even while our ears pick up noise from the surroundings, it is our brain that converts it into audible sound. If hearing loss is not treated, the auditory region of the brain may actually atrophy, which will make rehabilitation more difficult. Additionally, you ought to put them on as advised. Your chances of success increase if you go by your doctor’s recommendations.

Some drugs do indeed harm the ear which is why their use is restricted. These include cisplatin and platinum-based chemotherapeutics such as aminoglycosides (of which gentamicin is the principal component). The U.S. Food and Medicine Administration (FDA) also declared on October 18, 2007, that PDE5 inhibitors, which are used to treat erectile dysfunction, would now come with a warning concerning the possibility of sudden hearing loss on the medicine labels.

Hearing loss is a potential side effect of some drugs. In this group are several diuretics, macrolide antibiotics, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs), such as aspirin and ibuprofen. In a study conducted by scientists at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, it was found that women, particularly those who take ibuprofen six times a day, are more likely than men to experience hearing loss as a result of NSAID use.

The definition varies based on the severity of your hearing loss because the symptoms could be mild or severe. While people who are deaf may need the assistance of hearing aids, a patient with minor hearing loss may have trouble understanding speech, especially if there is a lot of background noise.

These elements can worsen hearing loss in addition to loud noise exposure. If you think you might have hearing loss, you should see an audiologist rather than self-diagnosing with over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids for all of the reasons listed above.

These are some more elements that may affect hearing loss:

  • Otitis media
  • Blood vessel conditions
  • Immune system disorders
  • Infections like measles, mumps, scarlet fever, and meningitis
  • Injury-related trauma
  • Meniere’s condition
  • Other malignant growths in the inner ear, such as an acoustic neuroma.

There is no way to have hearing loss due to noise because that is preventable. The degree of harm that could be done depends on how loud the sound is and how long you are exposed to it. Avoid loud music, lawnmowers, snowblowers, motorbikes, fireworks, and other noises that are 85 dB or louder to safeguard your hearing.


If you can, turn down the volume; if not, wear earplugs. Reduce the volume on your television, personal stereo, and headphones, for instance. Wear earplugs or other hearing protection when you can’t get away from or lessen noise. Protect your children’s ears as well if you’re a parent.

As we age, our hearing gets worse. Age-related hearing loss, however, is caused by changes in the inner ear and has no identified cause. The hearing aid audiologist can then recommend hearing aids after a hearing test determines whether you have hearing loss.

Age-related hearing loss, or presbycusis, is the cumulative impact of aging on hearing. This progressive, sensorineural hearing loss steadily worsens with age and is most noticeable at higher frequencies. It is a persistent condition that primarily affects adults over 50.


The microphone, amplifier, and speaker are the three main components that make hearing aids function. Through this three-part technique, hearing aids magnify sounds. The microphone first takes in ambient sound and then transforms it into a digital signal. The amplifier then intensifies this signal’s power. Last but not least, the speaker is employed to provide the amplified sound to the user’s ears.

The battery life of a hearing aid might differ depending on the brand and level of use. However, the majority of people who use hearing aids with disposable batteries must replace them every three to ten days. When the battery is almost dead, your hearing aid will warn you, allowing you to better schedule when to replace it.

Rechargeable batteries are another option: 

Some people may have hearing aids. Rechargeable batteries can be helpful for people who struggle to replace their batteries on a regular basis, but they often need to be charged every night and only last for 18 to 24 hours. Consult with an audiologist to choose the best hearing aid and battery combination for your unique requirements.

The batteries used in hearing aids are exceedingly hazardous and poisonous if eaten, much like all batteries. All batteries should be kept out of the reach of children and animals because of this. Call 911 right away if you or someone you care about accidentally swallows a hearing aid.

As an example, two hearing aids may be preferable over one:

Improved hearing in a noisy setting:

According to research, receiving sound input from both ears optimizes the brain’s ability to absorb speech in noisy circumstances. 

An enhanced capacity for sound localization : 

The direction of the sound source is partly determined by the brain using the sound information received from both ears. One-sided hearing aid use can affect this sense of direction, making it more challenging to locate sounds.


You can think of hearing aids as essential computers that you wear in your ears. The technology is portable and contains useful components like Bluetooth connectivity and rechargeability. Additionally, a two to three-year guarantee that covers lost replacement and repairs is often included with the purchase price of hearing aids.


Most audiology clinics collaborate with a number of different hearing aid producers. Based on the caliber of their offerings and level of customer support, our clinic partners with a number of manufacturers. Some brands offer unique features with advanced technology or specialized features that your audiologist may recommend.

A mould of the ear must be created in order to manufacture a custom hearing aid. The procedure won’t hurt and will just take a few minutes, despite the fact that it could feel a little unpleasant. The audiologist who makes the hearing aid with a personalized fit receives this mould after that.

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